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Blessed Coldain Prayer Shawl #7

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2018 4:36 pm
by jbhuss
Hey Control, Fatal,

I was trying to finish up the 7th Coldain prayer shawl quest last night. I am stuck on this step.

"Etched Rune Pattern or How do I use this infernal Prayer to Brell?? First, go to the Temple of Lore and stand facing the stage. See how there are steps on either side of the stage that lead up to it? Go stand in the area to the left of the stage at the base of the steps on that side. Then recite the prayer that Trademaster Kroven gave to you. Make sure you are saying it in /say and without any misspellings and that you do not have anyone targeted. Don't put it into a hotkey on the five different lines, it must be typed out all in one big long shot. You will get the message "You have been inspired!" and the pattern will appear on the ground in front of the stage...NOT at your feet . There are reports that it is on a timer, so it is possible that you might do everything right and still not get inspired if someone has done it within 45 minutes or so. Try coming back later. Note also that there seems to be a problem getting the pattern to appear if the Grand Historian Thoridain is not in his usual spot on the stage. If he is out of place you may need to petition for him to be escorted back before Brell will see fit to provide you with the pattern. For reference, since you can't read the prayer scroll and type it at the same time, the prayer is:

"Oh Brell, Thank you for protecting me and seeing me through my trials. Forgive me for the things I think and say and do that displease you. Please reveal to me your will and bless me with the patience and obedience to do that which you desire. Amen.""

I even looked up a loc on several other walk throughs. -343.61, 803.96, -17.11 Got as close as I could and tried repeatedly walking all over the temple with no luck. Thinking it is possibly bugged or not included in the emu.

I would like to please request you drop the Etched Rune Pattern in my inventory for Manaen? If you are interested in testing the script send me a message in discord and I will gladly help out.

Thank you guys so much.


Re: Blessed Coldain Prayer Shawl #7

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2018 8:47 pm
by Control
So it looks the quest is changed a bit to get around a script needing to fire without having an npc targeted (it's possible but may not have been when it was first implemented). You need to target the Grand Historian and say the prayer to him a few times to progress the script.

Re: Blessed Coldain Prayer Shawl #7

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2018 11:07 pm
by jbhuss
Worked! Thank you!
